Friday, October 3, 2008

We're having...

GIRLS!!! Yep, we've got two girls in there. I can't believe it! I really thought there was at least one boy in there, but I did have a dream a few weeks ago that it was two I was wrong and my dream was right! :)

They are both totally healthy and everything looks great. Today I am 17w5d and baby A is measuring 18w and baby B is measuring 17w5d exactly. They also both weigh 7 oz, which is great because they want to make sure they are growing the same. Baby A is completely below my belly button and Baby B is completely above my belly button. We confirmed that A is a little spunky and B is totally laid back so far. The tech kept commenting on how A wouldn't stop moving and was just so active and then B just laid there and waved a few times. It was pretty funny.

Ok, so I knew I was getting huge, but I didn't know I was this big. My belly is measuring 26 weeks! So I'm basically the size of someone that is 26 weeks and having one baby.

Baby A-profile

Baby A-It's a girl!
Baby B-profile
Baby B-It's a girl! (The whiteish thing on the inside of the left leg is the umbilical cord)


Unknown said...

Yeah!! Two girls! :) I voted 1 boy/1 girl, but this whole last week I kept thinking you were having 2 cute. Glad everything's healthy and good. Isn't it so great how you can sort of tell their personalities already, even when they're still in the womb? I love that! Love you guys and praying for you.

K. said...

woo-hoo! I knew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously, now I will fight you for one :o)

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was so happy to talk with you tonight!! You look so beautiful and healthy in your belly shot pictures! Can't believe you are almost half way already! That's crazy!! I LOVE this blog of yours too, the music is so nice too. I can't wait to see more pictures. Take care of yourself momma!! Talk to you soon!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you guys and Bethany is completely thrilled to have two little girl cousins to play with.(ok, well, she will be when they come, anyway). I love hearing about their little personalities already, and how healthy everything sounds. Yeah!!! Now comes the big part of picking names out.:) I love you guys and will try to talk to you soon!

Jenny said...

Awww Congratulations! I was sure it was a boy and a girl but how exciting two little girls!!! Love you guys.

Lisa Spence said...

two girls! congratulations. Can't wait to see the ultrasound and hear name ideas!